My First Crush….

Write about your first crush. Who knew that visiting my aunt that holiday would bring me face to face with what I imagined to have been the love of my life. Hahaha what a stroke of pure serendipity. I didn’t really have a type yet, well because I had never been with anyone else. BeingContinue reading “My First Crush….”

A new day?… A chance…

For months For years, on and off. Lets start again, and start by saying… For a while now, years, I have been in what seems to be a perpetual cycle of depression and most recently for months now I have been in what has felt like the fight of my life and I seem toContinue reading “A new day?… A chance…”


What fears have you overcome and how? Fear is one of the most primal emotions, so extremely vexatious but key to our survival as humans; triggering our fight or flight response. Fight mostly for me but… Yup, FEAR. The scariest thing I have ever done was give birth, scared me straight. I did it thrice.Continue reading “Music”

Unpacking “the” daddy issues (Part Three)

One thing I will tell you. Wait…. That doesn’t sound right. “One of many things” I will tell you about my father is that he was the one who taught me about who I was, my heritage. My totem is Nhari unendoro, Nyamasvisva, the women whom which are referred to as Chihoro. It is saidContinue reading “Unpacking “the” daddy issues (Part Three)”

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